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Florida Lakes Tackle Company
Ft. Lauderdale , Florida

In the 1940's, a lure called the Michigan Fin-Wing was being made in Traverse City, Michigan. It had been designed by Ernest Bullock and was being sold exclusively at the Bilmar Tackle Shop by his son in law William Brown.

Mr. Bullock passed away in the early 1950's and William Brown moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida around 1951. Thinking that the lure might generate some retirement income, Brown ordered the parts and pieces from the original Michigan suppliers and painted and assembled some lures with the new Florida Fin-Wing name. He operated as Florida Lakes Tackle Company. The lures were sold for only a few years to local tackle shops and fishermen that Brown knew.

There is no way to tell by looking whether a lure was made in Michigan or in Florida. The cardboard box is the only way to know. Only a few Florida Fin-Wing lure boxes have been seen, and they are quite rare. Both of the boxes shown here have the lure model stamped on the end panel.

The lures shown here are part of our collection. Click on the thumbnail pictures to see a larger image

Florida Fin-Wing
Florida Lakes Fin-Wing Florida Lakes Fin-Wing
Florida Fin-Wing
Reed Bird Model
Florida Fin-Wing
Yel-O-Fin Model

We are always interested in adding to this collection. Please send an email if you have any old Florida Fin-Wing lures or boxes for sale or trade.
Visit my page about Antique Florida Lures to see other lure makers from Florida.

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